Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Sorry" Seems to Be The Hardest Word ( 2 )

It's an uneventful night and Bood is here to implement his promise by talking on the topic ""Sorry" seems to be the hardest word to swallow". Just about 18 hours ago, I'd commented on """Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say" and now, here comes the usual reation of the listeners. "Never mind", "It's alright", "It's OK" are the words which will be heard coming out from their mouths.Based on my personal experience, they do not really mean so. For instance, on accepting one's apology by saying "It's alright", uncertainties are running in their mind. They are worried if they unvoluntarily swallowed the "Sorry", things are seen slumped. Compulsion makes them force their generous "Never mind" out in order to persist their relationship with the-wrong-ones. This is liken to picking logs in the river for you may not know when the lurking danger is going to harm you, especially when the-forgiven's aren't accountable to make amends for things they have done wrong. So, above is the piece of advice from me and do not place a wrong bet. It's such a disappointment when you are made fools by the others."Sorry" seems to be the hardest word to swallow is exactly my review when undergoing more and more tribulations in life. Thank you for staying with Bood here and have a good night. *Satisfied with my first ever successful post on Blogger =)*

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